Much of the information on our website is also available in English. We keep translating, which is why we’ve created a list of the most recently translated pages on CT² supports and guides Works Councils in the Netherlands. In recent years, we have been advising English-language Works Councils as well. That is why we […]
Works Council information in English: a special website
by Works Council coach Sander Vrugt van KeulenFrom 2020, part of the CT² website will be in English. The reason for that is that there is an increasing number of expats working in the Netherlands at international companies, and often the language of instruction in these organisations is English. In those cases, the Dutch Works Councils Act can be quite a challenge.
Engelstalige WOR: opgesteld door de SER
De Sociaal-Economische Raad (SER) heeft de Wet op de Ondernemingsraden (WOR) vertaald in het Engels. Handig nu er door de toenemende globalisering steeds meer Engelstalige ondernemingsraden zijn in Nederland.
English WOR: prepared by the SER
The Social Economic Council (SER) has translated the Works Council Act (WOR) text into English. This is very useful now that, due to the increasing globalisation, there are more and more English-speaking Works Councils in the Netherlands.
Dutch works council in English?
More and more companies in the Netherlands employ non-Dutch employees. What is a Dutch works council (WC) and what does it do?