To support Works Councils in preparing the Works Council rules of procedure, the SER has created a Model Rules of Procedure. This has been updated and is now ready for use.
Works Council Act
PVT, OR, OC, COR and GOR: what do these abbreviations mean?
As an employee, you have a say in how things are arranged or decided within the organisation. The Works Council Act (WOR) lays down how this happens, for example through a PVT, (joint) Works Council, OC, COR or GOR. But what do all these abbreviations actually mean? Here is a brief explanation.
the Works Council and negotiating terms of employment
All employees in the Netherlands have some form of terms of employment. But who decides and negotiates about these terms of employment? The Works Council also has a role to play in the negotiations of the terms of employment.
knowledge of the Works Council Act for the management board
the Works Council and a non-Dutch DirectorMore and more international organisations in the Netherlands have a non-Dutch management board. This can cause difficulties for the organisation, for the Works Council, but also for the management board itself. What are the obstacles and what are the solutions for an improved relationship with the Works Council?
OR-informatie in het Engels: een speciale website
door OR-coach Sander Vrugt van KeulenVanaf 2020 is een deel van de CT²-website in het Engels. Waarom? Er werken in Nederland steeds meer expats bij internationale bedrijven; de voertaal is in zo’n organisatie al snel (ook) Engels.
Works Council information in English: a special website
by Works Council coach Sander Vrugt van KeulenFrom 2020, part of the CT² website will be in English. The reason for that is that there is an increasing number of expats working in the Netherlands at international companies, and often the language of instruction in these organisations is English. In those cases, the Dutch Works Councils Act can be quite a challenge.